Build a Prince's "Purple Rain" motorcycle CM400T~English edition~ バイク

Build a Prince’s “Purple Rain” motorcycle CM400T in Japan(No. 9)~English edition~

投稿日:2023年5月13日 更新日:

I’m building a motorcycles for Prince “Purple Rain”(No. 9)

☆Click here for the First article ☆
☆Click here for the completed motorcycle☆

Last time I finished working on the exterior. This time it is wiring adjustment, cowling stay adjustment, sissy bar work.

プリンスパープルレイン バイク prince purplerain motorcycle

Wrap the wiring near the headlight with food wrap. It is waterproof.

プリンスパープルレイン バイク prince purplerain motorcycleプリンスパープルレイン バイク prince purplerain motorcycle

Then wrap it in a plastic sheet for gardening.

プリンスパープルレイン バイク prince purplerain motorcycle


プリンスパープルレイン バイク prince purplerain motorcycle

The mounting position of the cowl and stay is slightly misaligned, so adjustment is required.

プリンスパープルレイン バイク prince purplerain motorcycle

Take a mold with aluminum foil and make a spacer.

プリンスパープルレイン バイク prince purplerain motorcycle

プリンスパープルレイン バイク prince purplerain motorcycle

I’m thinking of a light and soft spacer.

プリンスパープルレイン バイク prince purplerain motorcycle

Cut off the excess part of the stay.

プリンスパープルレイン バイク prince purplerain motorcycle

プリンスパープルレイン バイク prince purplerain motorcycle

プリンスパープルレイン バイク prince purplerain motorcycle

Change the shape of the sissy bar.

プリンスパープルレイン バイク prince purplerain motorcycle

From the next time, I will make a motorcycle sissy bar for “Purple Rain”.

☆Click here for the completed motorcycle☆
Build a Prince’s “Purple Rain” motorcycle㉑
Build a Prince’s “Purple Rain” motorcycle⑳
Build a Prince’s “Purple Rain” motorcycle⑲
Build a Prince’s “Purple Rain” motorcycle⑱
Build a Prince’s “Purple Rain” motorcycle⑰
Build a Prince’s “Purple Rain” motorcycle⑯
Build a Prince’s “Purple Rain” motorcycle⑮
Build a Prince’s “Purple Rain” motorcycle⑭
Build a Prince’s “Purple Rain” motorcycle⑬
Build a Prince’s “Purple Rain” motorcycle⑫
Build a Prince’s “Purple Rain” motorcycle⑪
Build a Prince’s “Purple Rain” motorcycle⑩
Build a Prince’s “Purple Rain” motorcycle⑨
Build a Prince’s “Purple Rain” motorcycle⑧
Build a Prince’s “Purple Rain” motorcycle⑦
Build a Prince’s “Purple Rain” motorcycle⑥
Build a Prince’s “Purple Rain” motorcycle⑤
Build a Prince’s “Purple Rain” motorcycle④
Build a Prince’s “Purple Rain” motorcycle③
Build a Prince’s “Purple Rain” motorcycle②
Build a Prince’s “Purple Rain” motorcycle①

-Build a Prince's "Purple Rain" motorcycle CM400T~English edition~, バイク





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プリンスパープルレイン バイク prince purplerain motorcycle

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