I’m building a motorcycles for Prince “Purple Rain”(No. 4)
☆Click here for the First article ☆
☆Click here for the completed motorcycle☆
This time, following the last cowling modification, we processed the gasoline tank. The first step is to remove the paint on the gas tank.
Pour zinc paint to prevent the gas tank from rusting.
A special solvent is used to remove the paint.
The paint will peel off immediately, so scrape it off with a scraper.
After removing all the paint, put putty on the dented part and scrape it off. Also fill in the dent where the Honda emblem will be attached and flatten it. After that, spray the surfacer.
This is the compressor I use all the time.
This is the spray gun I use all the time.
Other painting tools.
And the important thing is this painting mask.
I sprayed the surfacer.
There were still many dents, so I added putty again and scraped it off.
Next, make the side covers.
Strip the original paint.
The side cover of “CM400E” had strong paint and was hard to scrape off.
In order to bring the corners of the cowling closer to the ideal shape, we made modifications until we were satisfied.
Dig the edge with a chisel and paste the plating molding for automobiles on the edge.
It’s an ideal shape.
Spray the surfacer again.
Clean up. Don’t you think it’s close to the image of “Purple Rain”?
☆Click here for the completed motorcycle☆
Build a Prince’s “Purple Rain” motorcycle㉑
Build a Prince’s “Purple Rain” motorcycle⑳
Build a Prince’s “Purple Rain” motorcycle⑲
Build a Prince’s “Purple Rain” motorcycle⑱
Build a Prince’s “Purple Rain” motorcycle⑰
Build a Prince’s “Purple Rain” motorcycle⑯
Build a Prince’s “Purple Rain” motorcycle⑮
Build a Prince’s “Purple Rain” motorcycle⑭
Build a Prince’s “Purple Rain” motorcycle⑬
Build a Prince’s “Purple Rain” motorcycle⑫
Build a Prince’s “Purple Rain” motorcycle⑪
Build a Prince’s “Purple Rain” motorcycle⑩
Build a Prince’s “Purple Rain” motorcycle⑨
Build a Prince’s “Purple Rain” motorcycle⑧
Build a Prince’s “Purple Rain” motorcycle⑦
Build a Prince’s “Purple Rain” motorcycle⑥
Build a Prince’s “Purple Rain” motorcycle⑤
Build a Prince’s “Purple Rain” motorcycle④
Build a Prince’s “Purple Rain” motorcycle③
Build a Prince’s “Purple Rain” motorcycle②
Build a Prince’s “Purple Rain” motorcycle①